
Increase Early Literacy

Posted by Ad Specialist Madwire at

Labeling things isn’t only a helpful organizational tactic, but it can also help young children who are in the process of learning how to read. Labeling items within your home like toy chests, coloring materials, dress up bins, and legos will help your child to actively increase their reading skills. It will encourage your child not only to recognize the item, but to also pronounce the names. Increasingly asking your child to put their knowledge to the test will help them improve their reading and motor skills more quickly. So go nuts with your label gun!

Labeling The Classroom

If you are an elementary school teacher, it is more than likely that the majority of the materials in your classroom are clearly labeled. This is both a teaching and training mechanism for your students. Being able to actively read the labels lets children know where things are and where things should go. Being able to read and follow directions on bins will boost the confidence of the students.

Labeling At Home

Labeling in your home may seem inconvenient or silly, but it can actually be a simply way to encourage literacy development in your child. This will naturally incorporate reading into the child's everyday life and build their confidence in their reading skills. Try making labels for the simple things around your home like tables, chairs, lamps, the refrigerator, the sink, etc.

For a great selection of label guns and labeling tape, visit Image Supply online! We carry great brands like K-Sun, Dymo, Brothers, and more! Shop now!

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